Thursday, April 15, 2010

Always looking

Colburn says no matter how awful your parents are, you miss them after they're gone. My close friends know about my strained relationship with Mother. Most of them don't know anything about my father. She's easy to talk (complain) about; he is not.

Oddly enough, every day I check my email looking for one of Mother's irrational, disjointed, rambling emails, and I'm disappointed when there isn't one. This didn't just start with her dialysis announcement, I've been doing it for several months.

Now that she's probably dying, a few friends have said her dying is a good thing implying I'll be relieved at not having her around to make me miserable. Lately I've been getting defensive and wanting to say no, it's not a good thing - that's my mother you're talking about.

Funny how life can change on a dime, isn't it?

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