Monday, April 5, 2010

Turning Into an Old Lady

When I found out Mother was in ESRF (End Stage Renal Failure) I immediately called to talk to her. I haven't seen her in four years even though she only lives two or three hours from me. We don't get along well in person so I don't even try anymore.

At this point I should tell you my mother has bipolar disorder and possibly borderline personality disorder, as well. According to my father, she was incorrectly diagnosed as being schizophrenic in the early 60's. She had a psychotic break when I was in third grade and was committed to the Parkland Hospital psychiatric unit in Dallas (the county hospital) for six weeks. She was diagnosed as being manic depressive in the early 80's. Of course now we call it bipolar disorder. I don't even know all the meds she's taken over the years, but they have definitely affected her thinking as has the mental illness.

Now her kidneys are failing and so is her muscle strength. She's falling down a lot, and I'm afraid she could fall and break a leg or worse, a hip. If this happens I guess it means a stay in a nursing home for recovery and rehab. So, Dick's daughter-in-law Sheila (a nurse) and I are trying to convince Mother to have her doctor prescribe a rolling walker.

She's angry at all the attention she's been getting (real or imaginary) since Dick's email went out last week, and is getting stubborn about receiving help. She doesn't want a walker because "that's for old ladies." Last Tuesday, I decided to give her some space and not call every day trying to make arrangements with the doctor and the medical supply house.

I'll try again in a day or two.

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