Thursday, April 15, 2010

Appointment moved to April 28

When I first answered my cell phone this afternoon I was really confused. Caller ID said the area code was 903 which I knew was Mother and Dick's area, but it wasn't their phone number. When the lady at the other end started talking she said my father had called the doctor's office to change my mother's appointment. That's when I got really confused. My father is in a nursing home in Kingsland, and I frequently get calls updating me on his treatment plan. Then she started talking about Dr. Pamatmat, who is Mother's nephrologist. My confusion topped out at that point.

Anyway, to make a long story short, Dick called Mother's nephrologist to have her May appointment moved up, and it was that doctor's nurse wanting me to double check that Dick got the voice mail she left on their phone.

So I sent him an email and turns out he didn't know the new date. It's Wednesday, April 28, at 3 p.m. I asked him why he moved it up but he didn't answer. I'll take a couple days off and go out for it. I hope Dick will let me drive them. He drives like he's still flying a Navy jet only it will be on the winding back roads of East Texas.

I'm exhausted this week because I'm the staff member in charge of a large fundraising party for 300-400 people in Granbury this weekend. While it will be good to get out of the office for a couple of days, I'll be working 18 hour days on Friday and Saturday. I'm already tired from overtime this week and expect to be beyond tired by Sunday night. Oh well, it's for a good cause - cancer patients and their families who live in poverty. I'm blessed with good health and able to help others less fortunate. That's what really matters.

Next week I get a long-needed haircut. Yay!

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